What inspires you to write?
Here's a question I see asked a lot and I still love to hear the answer because I think it depends on the situation. What about you? Are you a plotter, panster, or a little of both?
A little of both. I do plot the whole story out, including the characters. I like to know the “who, what, where, when and why”. In addition, I want to have the conflict clear in my mind so that I’m being true to it throughout. However, sometimes one or more of the characters develop within the story to the point where their choices might change the direction of the plot. In that case – I go with it. I feel if the character is strongly leading me in one direction, than it’s likely the reader will want it to go in that direction as well, and it will feel artificial and forced if I insist on my original idea. I hate it when an uncharacteristic moment jars me out of my reading experience – I hope I don’t do that to any of my readers!
Gotta love those pesky characters, no? They are always getting us into some sort of "trouble." ;) Are you drawn to certain recurring plots or types of characters? Why do you think that is?
Lately, it’s been mistaken assumptions and/or prejudice. My characters typically find themselves being outcast, looked down on in some way, or they are making wild assumptions about someone else that are then proved false. I like the conflict that occurs within human relationships – and how we are all so quick to judge, or assume the worst. It’s gratifying to experience – through my characters – a true resolution. For example, my new story “A Spirit of Love”, coming out in September, deals with forgiveness when the person has already determined to never forgive. The one I’m turning into my publisher right now is an M/M romance, where both of the characters have had to deal with extreme prejudice in different settings. The conflict is whether they have too much baggage to be together as partners.
What are your favorite fiction genres to read from?
In addition to romance (mainstream, paranormal and erotic) I love horror and sci-fi. I really love dystopian right now, and am an avid “Hunger Games” fan. I’m a huge Phillip K. Dick fan and Stephen King fan as well. I would say that King helped to spark my interest to write at an early age – I just loved the humor in his early books so much.
What are your favorite non-fiction genres to read from?
Memoirs. I’m a memoir junkie – Augusten Burroughs, David Sedaris, Erica Jong and Ellen Burstyn are among my favorites.
What inspires you and why? (Art, poetry, music, movie, book, etc. Please share something specific if you like.)
After I abandoned the idea of becoming a detective when I grew up - and stopped writing my detective stories – I decided to become a rock star. I was 14 at the time, so this made complete sense. I then launched myself into many tumultuous years of trying to make it in the music biz. I finally decided that it was the music part I loved, not the business. So I quit, and now music has gone back to being what it always was to me before: a healing balm and the one thing that gets me juiced more than anything else. Except for sex of course! Okay, I guess that the music AND sex together is what inspires me the most. *wink* Right back atcha, honey! ;)
Besides reading and writing, what activities do you enjoy in your leisure time?
You mean besides sex and music?
LOL! Two peas in a pod! Maybe you know my alter ego The Vixen, Tammy Dennings Maggy? That's all she...I mean we think about too. But I digress...yes other than fabulous sex and music, what other activities do you enjoy doing during your "down" times?
I love the outdoors and relaxing outside during what I call “Porch Time’. It’s that time of the day when the sun is just about to set, everything is peaceful, and you’re chilling on the porch. But the hubby and I are also huge film buffs. I could go on for days about that. I always have to confess in these things that I’m a big LOTR geek, and that the hubs and I have been known to duke it out in Mortal Kombat, and have many inappropriately named bands on Rock Band.
In one or two sentences, give the core premise behind your story.
One woman – two hunky men. Will they make her their Perfect Third?
LOVE it!
When and where does your book take place?
It takes place in contemporary Manhattan.
Who is the heroine?
Alexa, a young beauty who works in financial law. She’s essentially bored with her love life, and is looking to branch out and meet new people away from the boring finance sector. Her opinion is that the guys she meets get more of a boner from the Nikkei Index than a sexy woman.
What obstacles will she encounter in this story?
She thinks she’s found “the one” in the person of the hot film score composer, Lorne. But he suddenly cools towards her, and she can’t figure out why.
What does she need to learn to make the happy ending possible?
That being open to new experiences and ways of thinking is not a bad thing. Just because Lorne doesn’t want a traditional relationship, that doesn’t lessen his love for her.
What are you working on now?
I’m currently beginning book two of my Uniform Encounters series. I’m just turning in book one, the M/M I mentioned earlier. That one is about two firefighters finding love under difficult circumstances, and is entitled “Set Ablaze”. I’m also hoping to begin on one soon for Total-E-Bound’s Clandestine Classics line that they just opened. They are taking classics, such as Pride and Prejudice – but this time – there aren’t any zombies; only really scorchingly hot love scenes! So I’m waiting to find out if they’ve accepted my proposal for that.
What’s coming soon?
As I mentioned earlier, “A Spirit of Love” is coming out through Total-E-Bound in September. This one is an M/M/F ménage that also includes a kinky ghost. Just in time for Halloween!
Do you have a question you’d like to ask the readers to generate comments?
Which classic would you like to see turned clandestine, where the characters don’t close the door, but leave it wide open for us to peer inside?
You heard her gang? What classic would you like to see made a bit more Taboo? Leave your comments below. Thank you for sharing with us today, Morticia! You are welcome back any time here at The House of Taboo.